Textes › Personnels

Réflexions, réactions et points de vue de Rhode Makoumbou sur son travail.

My artistic approach

We are all Humans that belong to planet Earth, but we are all conscious of our differences. These differences are amongst other things a consequence of social, cultural, religious and climatic conditions that have shaped our long human history.

It is interesting to talk about someone’s cultural identity. Not as an opposition, but as a enrichment of the world that originates from cultural diversity.

We can not talk about cultural identity without thinking about cultural diversity. We have to keep fighting to protect en strengthen our ideologies, certainly against the negative consequences of globalisation trying to make all humans uniform. I have chosen to represent daily activities in Africa in my works; particularly women’s activities. It is a personal expression of one of the richnesses of our continent.

We have to open up for others and have sources of influence of the most interesting and authentic developments in the world and then integrate them in the specificity of traditions of our people and the founders of the past.
African artists will be integrated in globalisation by broadening their techniques starting from their own cultural roots.

My goal is to start from traditions, that have surrounded me since the day I was born, to do justice to my work, daily life, but also happiness and misfortune that surround us every day. I think it is important for an artist to represent its era by creating works that tend to modernity without rejecting the past and by revaluing creative professions.

Rhode Bath-Schéba Makoumbou
Brazzaville, mai 2006


Rhode Makoumbou › Sculpture : «En revenant du puit» • ID › 207
En revenant du puit
1,03 x 0,30 m
ID › 207
Rhode Makoumbou › Peinture : «Le polygame au marché» • ID › 211
Le polygame au marché
0,90 x 0,55 m
ID › 211
Rhode Makoumbou › Peinture : «La fin du jour» • ID › 238
La fin du jour
1,20 x 0,90 m
ID › 238

*Sélectionnées aléatoirement parmi 147 peintures et 177 sculptures.

Presse écrite
Portraits de STARS
Rhode Makoumbou dans «Portraits de STARS», magazine n° 7 (jan 2007)
Sky, «Résurgence de mon enfance», in Portraits de STARS, magazine n° 7 (2007).
Coupure de presse : 1
Rhode Makoumbou et le Président de la République Denis Sassou N’Guesso
Évènement: Rhode Makoumbou et le Président de la République Denis Sassou N’Guesso
Le 13 juillet 2013 à Brazzaville, Rhode Makoumbou est élevée au grade d’officier de l’Ordre du Dévouement Congolais par le Président de la République Denis Sassou N’Guesso.

Rhode Makoumbou et la Princesse Mathilde
Évènement: Rhode Makoumbou et la Princesse Mathilde
À l’occasion de l’exposition de ses sculptures pour le 10ème anniversaire de l’association «Mamas for Africa», Rhode Makoumbou rencontre la Princesse Mathilde de Belgique (devenue Reine en juillet 2013).
Suivez Rhode Makoumbou